Vērts iepazīt. Kens Liu (Ken Liu)

Kens Liu ir dzimis Lančžovā (ĶTR), 1976. gadā. Pēc viņa vecāku emigrācijas uz ASV viņš tur pabeidza universitāti ar diviem diplomiem – programmista un jurista, pēc tam sāka nodarboties ar literatūru: rakstīja prozu un poēziju, tajā skaitā ar līdzautori – sievu-mākslinieci, kā arī tulkoja no ķīniešu valodas. Pirmo žanra stāstu “Kartāgas roze” rakstnieks publicēja 2002. gadā. Uz šo laiku [oriģinālraksta tapšanas brīdi – t.p.] ir sarakstījis trīs ar pus desmitus stāstu un garstāstu (tikai pagājušā gadā 17 darbus!). Stāsts “Papīra zvērnīca”, kas publicēts 2011. Gadā nesen Liu atnesa “Nebula” prēmiju. Liu ir publicējies žurnālos “The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction”, “Azimov’s”, “Analog”, “Clarkesworld”, “Lightspeed” un “Strange Horizons”. Daudzas reizes iekļuvis “Hugo”, “Nebula” un “Vispasaules fantāzijas prēmijas” finālā. Kens Liu ir pazīstams arī kā tulkotājs no ķīniešu valodas, viņa tulkotajs Liu Cisiņa romans “Trīs ķermeņu uzdevums” 2015. gadā ieguva “Hugo”, kļūstot par pirmo ne-angļu valodā sarakstīto romānu visa “Hugo” balvas vesture, kas ieguvis šo balvu.

Rakstnieks ar ģimeni dzīvo Bostonā (Masačusetā).
https://www.livelib.ru/author/466794-ken-lyu un no citiem avotiem.

Jaunumi par rakstnieku: http://kenliu.name/



Pagaidām sarakstījis arī divus romānus sērijā “The Dandelion Dynasty”:

Kens Liu. Karaļu žēlsirdība (2015)

Ken Liu. Grace of Kings

Two men rebel together against tyranny—and then become rivals—in this first sweeping book of an epic fantasy series from Ken Liu, recipient of Hugo, Nebula, and World Fantasy awards. Hailed as one of the best books of 2015 by NPR. Wily, charming Kuni Garu, a bandit, and stern, fearless Mata Zyndu, the son of a deposed duke, seem like polar opposites. Yet, in the uprising against the emperor, the two quickly become the best of friends after a series of adventures fighting against vast conscripted armies, silk-draped airships, and shapeshifting gods. Once the emperor has been overthrown, however, they each find themselves the leader of separate factions—two sides with very different ideas about how the world should be run and the meaning of justice. Fans of intrigue, intimate plots, and action will find a new series to embrace in the Dandelion Dynasty.

Kens Liu. Vētru siena (2016)

Ken Liu. The Wall of Storms

The much anticipated sequel to The Grace of Kings which NPR called “A magnificent fantasy epic.” returns with Kuni Garu, now known as Emperor Ragin, running the archipelago kingdoms of Dara and struggling to maintain progress while serving the demands of the people. But when an unexpected invasion force from the far distant east known as the Lyucu Empire comes to shores of Dara, chaos erupts from fear.Emperor Ragin cannot go and lead Dara against the threat himself as he has a recently healed empire fraying at its weakest seams, as conflict within rival faction, even with the Emperor’s own family threaten the raw peace that he has established. Amidst traitorous rebellion and false accusations the emperor’s grown children rise to face the invaders, some with armies, and one with the guile and savvy intuition to empower the unlikely genius that surrounds her, his eldest daughter Théra. The Wall of Storms is a breathtaking sequel that builds with a towering diversity of action and tragedy that embodies the best of epic fantasy.