No one knows their way around all of the Sanctuary, so vast and twisting is its maze of corridors - corridors filled with the stench of centuries old religious fervour.
Standing in one of these corridors is a boy, looking out of a dark window, looking out at the latest unfortunate arrivals to this hell. His is perhaps fourteen or fifteen years old - he is not sure and neither is anyone else. He has long-forgotten his real name, but now they call him Cale. He doesn't remember anything of his former life. He doesn't know anything of his future life . . .
Meet the Angel of Death.…
Пол Хофман. Левая Рука Бога.
Мальчик по имени Кейл может стать в равной степени, как последним спасителем, либо уничтожителем мира.
Воспитанный сектой изуверов-Искупителей, вместе с небольшой компанией друзей он бежит от своих мучителей и попадает в неизведанный для него мир, в котором ему предстоит понять, что он за человек и какое его предназначение....